
relaxed peacocks in a hammock with drinks

We understand that not everyone resonates with the term “cock” when referring to the penis. We invite and encourage you to use whatever term works most comfortably for you. There are so many names for the penis, and even more to be discovered. In some sexuality circles “cock” refers to a sexual/erotic energy that can be tapped into no matter what the physical situation may be. In this way “cock” is inclusive not only of cis-men, but also of those who may not have a physical penis. For some there is societal stigma associated with “cock”, especially in porn culture where “BBC” expectations for Black and Brown men in particular has truly done a number on many men with wonderfully average or even smaller penises. Personally I’m not a fan of “dick”, dickish energy doesn’t turn me on, but I can roll with it if it’s a preferred title, I just imagine it more like a private detective from the 40s. Cock to me is the rooster saying “we’re here today!”, the peacock standing proud in his glory, the weathervane letting me know the temperature, the faucet for regulating flow, and the action leading to discharge:) Whatever imagery and name works for you, we honor and respect that. We celebrate you in rest and we celebrate you in curiosity!


An introduction from your new 2024 SCW Hostess